Website Visitor Conversion - Converting clicks into customers
Unless you are completely satisfied with the performance of your website you should always try new methods and techniques to make your website pages as irresistible as possible to increase the number of visitors who convert into customers.
You probably have a website that attracts visitors to various pages in your website and you cannot seem to get those visitors to contact you or buy from you - the big question is "how can I get visitors to my website to convert into a customer before they hit that back button and are gone forever??
Unless you are completely satisfied with the performance of your website you should always try new methods and techniques to make your website pages as irresistible as possible to increase the number of visitors who convert into customers.
The first real question you need to ask yourself is what do you want the customer to do when they get to your website?
You may want them to sign up to receive your newsletter or you may want them to submit an enquiry or even buy something from your site.
Whatever your goal is, you need to make sure that the page the visitor lands on and clicks through to entices them to do what you want them to do.
Here are 5 steps to help make your website work more effectively to convert those clicks into customers...
Step 1. Make the page the visitor lands on entirely relevant and focused on the subject they have searched for and are interested in. This may well be your home page, but why not try creating subject specific pages that could be focused on a special offer, a discount or even articles or white papers?
Step 2. Make sure you experiment with the headline you use on the page this will be the first thing they see so try different combinations of words and pictures and see what grabs the visitors attention
Step 3. Establish what information you need the visitor to see at the top of the page without them having to scroll down the page your contact details or special offer should be at the top
Step 4. Make your product or service appear immediately credible by having testimonials or links to case studies on the page. If you sell products for which you offer a guarantee make sure this is prominent
Step 5. Keep your messages succinct, to the point, easy to read and a visible 'call to action'. Don't expect visitors to have to read through a full page of text to find what they are looking for!